When Current Events Keep You Down
I have to admit, for the last couple of weeks I have been feeling a little low and have had a tough time concentrating on my work. But, I had a to-do list to get done…so I pushed through.
How often do you just push through without taking the time to stop and think about what the underlying causes of your feelings are?
For me, knowing that countries are at war and people are being unjustly injured and killed is beyond horrific. When I combine this with other smaller personal situations, I really have just been telling myself to keep going, despite the heaviness of it all. It wasn’t until I finally stopped to examine these thoughts and feelings that I realized I was grieving.
Grief can happen in both big and small ways. When a pattern in my life has been disrupted, or my future changes from what I thought it would be, I grieve.
If it is prolonged, it will show itself in different ways, such as continued lack of motivation, poor habits or getting sick. The more impact the event has had on me, the longer the grieving can take, and it doesn’t follow a neat path of improvement. Just when I think I am done grieving, it can resurface.
Here are some ways to help if you find yourself in this situation:
Stop and have a moment of recognition. I find it is helpful to pause and recognize what impact these types of feelings have on your life. In some cases, the impact might be underlying and you may not even know it is there. If you are not working at your usual pace and are unsure why, make a list of all the things that are bothering you. It is helpful to see it written down. Getting it out of your head and on paper releases some of the depth.
Using the “whys”. When I have an emotion I can’t identify, I use the “whys”. Why am I feeling this way? Then I ask why again regarding that answer and just keep asking why. This helps me drill down and find out specifically what’s important. Even if the answer is “I don’t know.” I ask, “Why don’t I know?” Answer example: I’m not sitting still long enough to find out … Why?
Give yourself some time and space to grieve. When I am emotionally hurting, I like to think of it in terms of a physical injury. For instance, what would this pain be like if I described it physically? Well, I feel like someone has punched me in the chest and that I cracked my rib. If that physical injury was really the case, what amount of healing would I allow? How will I be gentle with myself?
Cry. Crying gets a bad rap. It is such a good sign to me when I see people cry. Crying is energy leaving the body that needs to be released.
Finding ways to honor. Honoring is taking a moment to recognize where you are in relation to a circumstance or a person, and, ultimately, how you feel, and then taking an action regarding this recognition. This can be small or large depending on the circumstance. Writing a letter to yourself or someone else, taking a mindful walk, lighting a candle, making a donation or even five minutes of focused breathing or prayer are just a few ways to honor it.
Talk to someone. I mentioned the importance of the written word and the spoken word is equally helpful. Talking about your feelings out loud with someone you trust allows for processing to happen. If your feelings are persistent, discussing them with a professional may be needed.
What is happening in the world right now is heavy. Sadness of this and other events can make us feel stressed, fearful and like we have no control. We can further bury it by binge watching programs, surfing social media or drinking.
Recognizing my emotions allows me to be present with what is happening. It reminds me that I need to care for myself and provides space to determine what I need. In the longer run, this allows me to move forward and show up as I want in the world to make it a better place.
This is you. Illuminated.