The Word You Need to Know Now Is – Foundation.
The word that keeps coming up this week is FOUNDATION.
I love it because as I am meeting with people in their coaching sessions, there are thoughts of optimism mixed with just being steady…no big movement. It is a moment to simply “be” and have self-insight, instead of needing obvious advancement. This foundation stage is a time before what is to come next – a time to “nest”, breathe, reflect and in this, create a solid base for the future.
This also brings about mixed feelings – am I being lazy? Should I be pushing harder to move forward? And yet, when asked to check-in with their Knowing Center – the place in the middle of their body that is an indicator from a gut level, rather than the Thinking Head – this stage of reflection feels like the best place to be at this moment.
Here are some helpful tips to gain the most benefit from this stage:
- Be in the flow rather than push. This is a great time to ask yourself what you want and need now that might be counterintuitive, especially if you are someone who is high activity. Listen to this and recognize flow…rather than pushing things forward. Coasting downhill still gets you somewhere – constant pedaling uphill is not easy or maintainable.
- On a scale of 1-10, how optimistic do I feel for the future? What can I do now to set myself up for a positive outcome months from now?
- What does it feel like to be in the flow in which things happen naturally?
- What can I learn during this time of relaxed momentum?
- Think long term. Secure yourself with what your long-term goals are. It is easy to get caught in the fear of missing out or feeling behind. Remind yourself that you are setting up for the next phase and that this time helps with creativity and self-awareness.
- What benefit do I notice each day toward my goals, while being relaxed and confident in where I am going?
- In what ways am I using my energy more wisely now toward my goals and how can I do this more?
- Congratulate yourself. We often don’t recognize how far we have come. This is a perfect time to reflect on the progress that you have made and that you are taking the time to invest in yourself and your future.
- What am I proud of that I have accomplished?
- In what ways have I worked to earn what I have now?
- How can I best trust this experience to build for my next phase?
The constant push to move forward can sap energy and be counterproductive. Taking this time now to reflect and build a foundation for the future is rejuvenating and beneficial. It does not mean you are not making progress, but instead doing it in a way that is more thoughtful and can reap bigger benefits in the future. Without a solid foundation, there is no stable structure in the end.