The One Thing You Need to Reinvigorate Your Motivation
Anytime I am in a funk, not feeling productive, or unsure of what direction to go in next, there is one thing that always reinvigorates me. I have it taped to my computer screen for a ready reminder.
It is my personal mission statement. Even as I type these words, I cringe a little. For me, a personal mission statement doesn’t sound that fun or inspiring. However, if it is done the right way, it is! I use this with my clients, as well, and we refer to it often with the same inspiring effect.
Here is how to create your personal mission statement and what it needs to include to be effective:
- Find a few minutes of quiet time and fill in this sentence – I am committed to ______________ because of _____________.
This is just a starter to get you thinking and doesn’t have to be exact. What this needs to answer is why you are here on this earth. What are you committed to be and do?
Here is an example of what you might have at that point:
To be influential in all lives, both in work and personal.
To bring love and kindness to others, so I can leave the world in a better place.
Pretty good, right? It gets better…
- Next, take each piece of what you wrote and ask why and how for each piece. Why is each word important to you? Why is each idea important to you? How will you bring your commitment to life?
- The next step is to list words that you aspire to. How do you want to show up in the world? What do you want to be and become as you are living this commitment? Choose which of these words or other descriptions you want to incorporate in your mission statement. Add them in.
I find the most excellent and inspiring mission statements are an evolution. They are deeply personal and when you read your statement it should evoke great emotion – tears, chills, whatever that is for you. It doesn’t have to be something you share with others, but here is mine as an example:
To bravely be who I am.
To utilize my gift as a pathfinder to others so that they can do
what they are meant to do with purpose and peace.
I will do this through listening, spiritual connection, and boldness.
THIS always puts me back in the right frame of mind, to remember what is most important, and to not get bogged down in things that don’t matter. It sets me back on the right course and motivates me to do my best work and to keep stretching myself – with purpose and peace.