The Magic of Visualization
Many times, in client sessions, we start with a meditation. This helps establish calmness and sets the tone for our time together – usually during a busy day.
There are different types of meditation – the stereotypical type is a person sitting cross legged, with hands on knees and perfectly still. In this, they are sitting quietly, thinking mind turned off and in a meditative state. Another type of meditation, which can be very helpful, especially for beginners, is a guided meditation. In guided meditations, visualization is used.
I love visualization exercises. When used in guided meditation, they can be calming and enlightening. Here are some of my favorite exercises, if you would like to try.
For each of these, begin by closing your eyes, if it is comfortable, and taking deep breaths that are just right for you.
Focusing on breath. As you breathe in, visualize the air coming into your body – through the nose, into the throat and down into the lungs. Notice how it feels at each moment. Notice how your body changes as the air comes in. Do the same for your out breath. Feel your out breath at every moment as it leaves your body. When you become comfortable, on your outbreath, visualize any tension you have in your body melting from you and dripping into the ground.
Welcome a sunrise. After you relax, picture in your mind the most beautiful sunrise. It is just there for you. Note detail in the sunrise itself. What are the colors? How do you feel as you see it? Next, note the scenery that the sunrise is over. Is it a beach? Woods? Whatever that is for you. How does the air feel? What smells do you notice? Note the environment of the sunrise. Next, note how you are in this environment as you view the sunrise. Sitting? Standing? How does your body feel? Continue breaths and enjoyment of the moment.
Earthly perspective. After you relax, visualize yourself slowly floating up from your body. Take your time as you breathe and continue to picture yourself light as a feather and floating up in the room you are in, slowly rising through the ceiling. Then through the rooftop. As you do, you notice the roof of the building you were in and continue floating skyward. With each breath, as you get higher, you notice the neighborhood, city, town, state, country and, as you are up in the universe, you see the earth. As you look down, you also see your body sitting on the earth. Continue to breathe and note what else comes to you in this moment before reversing the process and coming back down into your current body reality. Breath a few more times and feel your connection to the earth underneath you to become re-grounded.
It may take a little practice, but the time and benefits are worth it. The first two can also be done for a few minutes during the day to clear your head and bring calmness. I would love to hear how it works for you!
This is you. Illuminated.