Overthinking? Redirect Your Train of Thought.
Do you ever have those moments where a thought, topic, or a necessary decision, is swirling in your mind and you find yourself caught in it and not moving forward? I find this happening to me, and I know I’m not alone, as clients share they have similar experiences.
Our brains are amazing and capable of working on solutions. Sometimes, however, our thoughts can be jumbled, and we don’t even realize the energy being used toward overthinking or non-answers.
Here are some ways to recognize this and maneuver forward:
What concerns do I continually find myself thinking about? Asking yourself this question helps to bring to the surface what could be running in the back of your mind, expending energy that you didn’t even realize. Answering this question brings to light what these items are. An upcoming work project, a conversation that is needed, or concern about a family member are examples.
Determine the track your train of thought is on. I love the visualization of your “train” of thought on a track. When it comes to these items, your track is running in circles. Visualize moving each of these items to a straight track going one of two places – on a track to a solution, or on a track to a station to either rest to be revisited later.
Solution track. If it is something within your control in which you know sorting out some steps is possible, there are multiple ways to do this.
Determine energy level. Is the brain power being extended on overthinking worth my energy? Many times, I find the answer is “no”! Giving it this perspective helps me to realize it is just time to make a quick decision and move on.
10-minute timer. If it is worth your thought, energy, and something you need to move forward, I love setting a 10-minute timer and writing down everything you know about the situation and possible solutions. There’s magic in the 10 minutes – it seems doable and it gets your ideas flowing on paper, and most importantly, out of your head.
Determining action. What have you determined from your 10-minutes? If there is a course of action that makes sense, taking a step moves you down the straight-line track.
Resting Station. Deciding there’s no solution now is a decision. Sometimes there are things that are out of your control, or the timing is wrong and just can’t be solved now. Recognizing it and giving yourself permission to set it on a track out of your mind frees up the energy you are spending with these thoughts until a time when a solution might be possible.
When we are overthinking, or our train of thought is running in circles, it can be stressful and get in the way of our happiness and doing what we are meant to do. Clarifying what these items are and moving them on to solution or rest allows us to be our best in what we bring to the world. All aboard for moving forward!